
Electronic Enthusiasts Issue 63

Electronic Enthusiasts Issue 63

DVDs Push Optical Systems to New Frontiers
Chipping at Whip Antennas
Thinking About EMC?
Zilog Microcontroller Fast Design Workshop Presents the Z8 Advantage
Circuit Fair
Op Amp Reference 101
Selecting A Linear Voltage Regulator
Design Considerations for a New Generation of Low On-Resistance Power MOSFETs
Fussy Over Fuses? Understanding Fuse Selection
Give Me Your Shield
Using Software Design Techniques to Maximize Z8 System Noise Immunity
New PCBs for the Touch Sensitive Alarm 63 & Bark Horn 63
Universal DC Controlled Audio Preamp
Single-Chip 25-Watt Stereo Amp
WM Mate FM Wireless Microphone
3-Wire Remote Switch Controller Using the Z86
Ultra Sensitive Mini Amplifier
Test, Measurement & Troubleshooting
Working with Surface Mount Chips Using Standard Soldering Tools
SMPS: Basic Theory and Troubleshooting
Kinky Tips for the Troubleshooter

Dimensions 100 × 63 × 30 mm